Kids at Cane Bay


We’ve designed our kids environment very intentionally to allow worship and teaching to come alive for the children of our Church. Each child is assigned to a class based on their grade, which is led by our amazing team of Adult volunteers. Through fun lessons, activities, and teaching we hope to help kids learn and apply God’s Word to their own lives.

How We Partner with Parents

We believe the best way we can help your kids develop their own relationship with Jesus is by partnering with you as the chief disciple makers in your home. Together, we can help inspire, equip, and pray for them as their faith grows.

Here are some practical resources that will help you along your journey as a parent and encourage you on your own personal walk with God!

  • Most of life happens along the way and we want to equip you to influence your child along the way.

  • Sharing the gospel with your kids can be as simple as drawing three circles. We encourage parents to download the Life on Mission App for a simple way to share the gospel with your kids.

  • Is an opportunity for parents to publicly recognize their children are a gift from God and to dedicate themselves to Christ-centered parenting, pointing their kids to Jesus at every opportunity.

    For more info, email

  • If you think your child is ready to be baptized, we have a page full of Baptism Resources that can help you talk through it with them. You can also invite Sara into the conversation to walk through it with you guys and help you take your next step.

These words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.

— Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Our hope is that every child who walks through the doors of Kids at Cane Bay feels safe, seen, accepted, and loved. All of our volunteers have undergone a thorough screening process of interviews, background checks and training.

We have the best team!

Special Needs Team

Our mission is that every man, woman, and child will receive multiple opportunities to see, hear, and respond to the gospel of Jesus. Our team of buddies are specifically trained and equipped to help kids of all abilities through our 1:1 buddy system to accomplish this goal.


  • We are so excited for your children to join us in Kids! If you fill out this pre-registration form someone from our team will welcome you and help you find the Kids area. As our team checks your family in, we'll give you additional details about our Kids environment!

  • For the safety + wellness of all, children who show signs of sickness will not be allowed into the Kids environment. We require that children be fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medications) before entering Kids. This is for the health and protection of all children, families, and volunteers.

  • We offer Kids during our 9:00a + 11:00a service. Infants-Kindergarten are checked in before service. 1st- 4th grade will worship with their parents and then be dismissed to their teachers.

  • In Kids, safety is one of our highest priorities. Upon check-in, you'll receive matching identification stickers. Your child will need to wear their name tag sticker and you will need to keep the matching tag. After the service, you'll show your child’s teacher your matching tag in order for your child to be released from their room.

    Every Kids volunteer leader is screened, passes a background check, and receives appropriate training. Additionally, background-checked security teams serve during each service to make sure your child stays safe and secure.

    In the event that we need to contact you during the service, we will send you a text message.

Contact our kids director.

Sara Russell